Photobook | Images
These images are my ideas of like-able images that are frequently shared on social media. The sections: Family, Culture, Food. These are the main styles of images I have found whilst looking through social media regally, finding the most appropriate trends to depict modern day-to-day life. Using my own opinions to create the overall styles and presentation of the images, I feel I have successfully created a series of images people can relate to and enjoy, therefor making like-able images for social media.
The family shots are of my own family at my brother and sisters blessing at a Sikh temple. This isn’t an everyday occasion, thus why I chose to photograph this event, creating interesting images for people to appreciate and enjoy. The shots start with an establishing of the family, with two detail shots to what they may be looking at, creating a narrative within the series of photos.
The culture shots show the side of Nottingham people may not know, but may interest them. I chose Nottingham as its my home city, and I want to show people the places I feel express culture in a positive light to the area. These shots also use an establishing shots, to then show more detailed shots of various areas within the area, and what may be behind the walls.
The Food shots represent a couples lunch in Nottingham (Mine and my girlfriends), showing a modern meal of Nottingham; burgers and chips. Also a pair of un-attractive looking breakfasts, made to look interesting through the various textures and lines within the images. This series of images shows the reality of modern life, that breakfast isn’t always taken with care, whilst lunch or dinner is something to be proud of and share with the world. The fruit cart is to close the book, whilst also keeping to the interest of food, but showing where it may come from, giving some small context.